Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Scouting and Twitter?

There are a few Scouting Twitter pros online such as @latterdayscout, @insanescouter, @kabiff @Scouterjeff @halfeaglebot and more. These folks are using Twitter to connect with others in the Scouting community, share information, spread the good news and the benefits of the program. Scouting is in so many ways a grassroots movement and Twitter truly defines what it means to be grassroots.

I saw a study just a few weeks ago that said 40% of the people who sign up quite Twitter within a few weeks. Is that you? Don’t give up if it is!

Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Always include an interesting avatar (picture). Many people will not follow someone with no picture
2. Write in interesting profile. This is your introduction to the Twitter world and should make a stranger think you would be interesting to follow.
3. Show off your personality with your Tweets. “Going to the bathroom” “On my way to the store”—Do I care? Well once we get to know you we might but when you start keep the Tweets informative and fun.
4. Share links—This is the best way to share new and information your followers might like.
5. Tweet right away—Sure you just have a few followers. Go ahead and start Tweeting as your were a superstar. If someone checks you out they will know what to expect
6. Follow the people your favorite twitter friend follows. For example, everyone I follow has some tie to Scouting.
7. Always send a direct message to new followers. This lets them know you really do appreciate they would be interested in you.
8. Be sure and follow back the people who follow you.(just be sure and skip the spammers)
9. Speaking of spammers—watch your followers closely and be sure an block inappropriate followers.
10. Be aggressive to add followers. A tool like Tweetdeck allows you to search for people using key words. I use this to find people that are tweeting about Scouting for example.

Twitter can be a lot of fun and a great way to build relationships as well as learn. Don’t let the difficulty of getting started discourage you.

Attention Twitter pros! What other tips would you have for others?

What are some of your best Twitter stories?

Leave a comment and let others know.


  1. Great topic to write about. I think this is a good tool to meet other Scouters that I wouldn't have met otherwise. I keep working on expanding our council and BSA camp's online presence, and Twitter is a way to do that. It especially gives "newbies" a way to try Twitter without the intimidation.

  2. I should have added: http://twitter.com/Scoutsigns


  3. Family Man...Thanks for adding some shout outs! Anyone else have people they would add?

  4. Hi David, thanks for the shout out! I have really enjoyed meeting other Scouters through twitter. And I am surprised at how good of a communication tool it is.

    I like what you've done - having a separate twitter account for Scouting, and a personal one. I am thinking of doing the same.

    In Scouting,
    - Scouter Jeff <><
    - aka twitter.com/scouterjeff

