Wood Badge has refreshed my knowledge and passion around this great program we all have the privilege to give so much of our time. There is so much potential in each of us to make a difference in the lives of the youth and the adults we encounter. I see this difference playing out as selfless and positive most of the time. There are other times when I see it as selfish and negative. And finally, there are times I see it with no impact at all due to passivity and apathy.
Whether you have been to Wood Badge or not, I hope that from time to time you will challenge yourself to deeply review the Aims and Methods of Scouting. Measure yourself and your program by this as well as the Oath and Law. If you do, I know you will leave this time of reflection refocused on why you are here and the positive potential you have to impact generations.
Ditto! I got so much out of Staffing Wood Badge! I would do it again in a heart beat! What an experience to help pass knowledge to already passionate volunteers...
I used to be an Eagle and a good ole Staffer too!